
  • Deworming: Why Your Horse Still Might Be At Risk

    Rotational deworming used to be the best practice, but increasing deworming resistance is causing veterinarians and horse owners to rethink this practice. Worms cause weight loss, lethargy, colic, and eventual organ damage without proper management. But, as a horse owner, it can take some work to figure out the right deworming strategy. We’ve compiled a list of deworming best practices to help!
  • 6 Great Ways to Keep the Flies at Bay this Summer

    Flies are a nuisance that come around every summer. They’re a massive pain for both horses and owners, and they can turn peaceful barn time into a huge drag. But not to worry- there are some simple ways to cut down on these pests this summer!
  • Horse Show Essentials under $50

    Show season is right around the corner! It’s almost time to pack up and hit the road to your favorite western show. While getting ready for horse shows can be very exciting, the preparation is extensive.