Tacky Tuesday BOGO
OHHHHH spring is in the air. I am so excited to get those ponies shedded out and the dust (or mold this year) knocked off those saddles. It it also time to look around and see what may need to be replaced.
We can help you with all of that. Did you know that we offer saddle cleaning and conditioning? Yep! We will give those saddles a good once over. We make sure they are safe for the upcoming year and make it look its best. All saddle cleaning/conditioning are subject to individual charges.
We also want to make it easier to get all those bits, bridles and straps together. Today we are offering Buy One Get One 25% off on all tack items** That's right, come in and make sure you stock up today on all the necessity to get riding this spring.
Come in or shop online with code: TACKYTUESDAY