Roper vs Straight Cinch
When it comes to western girths for your horse there are so many options! The cinch for a horse dates back to 700 BC. We would like to break down the difference between a straight girth and a roper style.
This is the most traditional western style girth. It is easily centered since it is a uniform width. It is best for a slimmer horse with straight rib cage. This girth fits a variety of horses for all types.
View Straight Girths HERE
Roper style girths were introduced around the 1950's. They offer a wider mid section that spreads the pressure of the girth. This allows a larger area for pressure distributions along the breast bone and ribs. This girth got the name from the popularity of cattle ropers. Trail riders really like this shape as it works well over mountainous terrain to help prevent slipping. However, it can be used for all types of riding.
View Roper Style HERE
The fit is the most important part of the cinch for your horse. Your girth should naturally fit around the middle hole of the straps, to allow room for tightening a few holes – going up evenly on each side – and also to be able to do it up gradually. Girths are measured from end of buckle to end of buckle, i.e. the full length, and normally come in two-inch increments.