Keep warm at the spring shows.
Even though it is springtime it can still get chilly. It's down right cold right now in Southern Ohio. Like freezing temps! So as happy as we all are in the northern region...we still need hoodies, coats and the whole nine yards.
We still have some great jackets from Cinch, STS Ranchwear and many more. Need conceal and carry? We got ya covered. Grab one of these to throw into the horse trailer and keep it there. If you are like me I never have one when I need it. We load the trailer, hook up and leave for the horse show in the afternoon. At the peak of the high sun. When we arrive to the show....the sun has set and it is cool. All of a sudden you realize your jacket is the one thing you left behind.
To fix that we want to offer you 50% off on our outerwear collection. At that price it can stay in the trailer for the just in case!
Use Code: outerwearspring19 at checkout.